Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sad Month

This month is really sad for me & my family. It was 1 year ago this month that we lost our twins:

Lainey Isabella on Sept. 20, 2006


Lake Wyatt on Sept. 30, 2006

Our lives have changed so much in the past year & a half. I think back to last June when we were expecting TRIPLETS & my dad was healthy. It all started changing a few weeks later when I lost the 3rd baby & my dad was diagnosed with cancer. The twins were doing great but that all changed on Sept. 18 when I went into premature labor. Little did we know that after we buried the twins on October 1, 2006 that we would be back to the cemetery on January 22, 2007 to bury my dad beside the twins. I would like to thank all of our friends & family who have helped us during these difficult times & continue to do so. Your prayers help us so much so please continue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are one of the strongest people I know. I am so sorry for your losses over the last year, but I am so glad you have God on your side! May God bless you! Love, Amanda